Five Mistakes to Avoid When Decorating Your Home Office
If you’re working from home, having a designated place to conduct your activity from is a must. Check out this article for a few tips on how to style your home office and a list of common mistakes to avoid.
Working from home has become all the rage in the last few years. Advancements in technology made it possible for people from all across the world to telecommute or work remotely, which tremendously helps them maintain a healthier work/life balance. According to the latest statistics, one in five Americans currently work from the comfort of their own apartments, whether they are running their own businesses, freelancing, or being employed by big companies which offer remote work opportunities as a perk for their staff.
Working from home has some obvious advantages. Besides cutting commuting costs out of the equation and giving workers the chance to build a more flexible schedule, it also allows self-employed entrepreneurs to considerably reduce their startup costs. Renting an office isn’t cheap, so running your small business from inside your home can be an affordable alternative.
A modern home office should be both practical and comfortable. To make the best of it, we’ve listed some common mistakes you should avoid during the decorating process.
Not Having an Office at All
Working from your couch or kitchen table – that’s doable, right? Well, not exactly. Depending on your current living arrangements, you wouldn’t want your family or flatmates to barge in and disturb you when you’re focusing on an important task. Distractions kill your productivity, so you have to minimize them the best you can. Even if you live by yourself, having a designated place to work from instantly changes your perspective into a more work-oriented one. If you work in your pajamas while lying in bed day after day, it will soon become though to distinguish between your personal and professional life; and that can cause trouble.
Even if you haven’t been blessed with the opportunity to live in a luxurious condo and have plenty of spare rooms available, don’t worry. It’s easy to make the best with what you have. A quiet corner in your living-room, for instance, can make for a great office spot. Just make sure you invest in a sturdy pair of headphones and don’t feel too crowded.
Not Picking the Right Chair
The desk chair is everything. You’ll spend numerous hours every day sitting in it, so you better make sure it’s comfortable. Did you ever purchase an extremely beautiful, but incredibly uncomfortable piece of furniture? No more! When it comes to your desk chair, choose function over form every time.
Sitting too much adds stress to the structures in the spine, so you should be looking for an ergonomic chair that supports your lower back. The seat height should be easily adjustable, and should have enough width and depth to comfortably support you. Ideally, it should also have a lumbar adjustment so you can get the proper fit to support the inward curve of the lower back. For more tips on the subject, take a look here.
Not Paying Attention to Lighting
When it comes to home offices, lighting is crucial. Make sure you’ll have plenty of natural light coming in. However, the window shouldn’t be positioned behind you, since it can cause an annoying glare on your computer screen. For evenings, an overhead light is ideal, as long as you couple it with an adjustable desk lamp. Don’t overlook ambient light as well; it fills the area with a soothing glow for a cozier atmosphere.
Remember that poor lighting can cause eyestrain and headaches, not to mention it can kill your mood, so take the issue seriously. You can find more information about how to properly light a home office here.
Ignoring Storage Space
Even if you’ll conduct most of your business online, you need storage space. Your documents, contracts, invoices – they all need to be carefully organized and deposited somewhere. If you can’t afford a bookcase or cabinet, use colorful bins. Not only they will satisfy your storage needs, they will also bring a touch of color to your working area.
Not Letting Your Personality Shine
This is your personal home office, so make sure you add a few personal touches to it. Whether you prefer a more messy style or go for the more minimalistic one, having a few items around that spark your creativity is a wise choice.
An inspiration board, for instance, can do wonders when it comes to lifting your spirits. If you’re a writer, the mere sight of an old typewriter placed nearby will surely get those creative juices flowing. If you’re a designer, hang a few funky posters. You get the idea.
Decorating your home office should fun. You just have to make sure the ambiance fits your personality and allows you to work efficiently and be productive. What does your home office look like? Do you have any tips when it comes to choosing the right furniture or décor items? Sound off in the comments!