How to Avoid Becoming the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Breakups can be extremely painful. Even so, you don’t want to be the crazy ex-girlfriend who can’t get past the fact that the relationship ended. Check out this article for a few useful tips on how to keep what’s left of your dignity intact after being dumped.
Getting dumped can be a tough pill to swallow, especially when the news comes out of nowhere. You’re hurt and confused, so it’s natural to dwell over what happened for a while. After all, you need some closure, even when your former partner appears to never want to speak with you again. Make sure you don’t do anything crazy though, or you might ruin your reputation.
Psycho, obsessive, emotionally deranged. These are only a few of the common terms guys often use when describing an ex-girlfriend who had a rough time letting go. Don’t become one of them. Follow these tips instead.
Give Him Space
You both need time to get over what happened. Don’t overwhelm him with calls, emails, Tweets, Snapchats, or any other form of messages. If he said he needs space, let him have it, and enjoy yours as well. Find a new hobby, read a bunch of funny romance novels to cheer up, catch up on Netflix. Keep yourself busy, so you’ll have less time to obsess over what he’s currently doing and with whom.
It may take some time to properly heal after being left behind, but the first thing you need to do to accept that the relationship is over. And you won’t be able to do that if you constantly interact with your former lover. Space is good for both of you. Maybe you can try being friends later.
Don’t Talk To His Friends
This one may be tempting, especially if he didn’t give you a clear reason for breaking up. It’s not a good tactic though. They’re his friends, so they’re automatically on his side. Also, don’t ask them how he’s doing, if he’s seeing someone else, or if he misses you. They’ll tell him about your inquiries, and you’ll look even more hurt or lonely than you currently feel.
Most importantly, though, don’t hook up with his friends as some sort of vengeful act. You’ll end up regretting it even if he doesn’t find out.
Get Out of Bed
Moping around the house is OK for the first couple of days. Junk food, sappy movies, and copious amounts of wine can provide comfort during these tough times. Once those two-three days are over though, it’s time to get out of bed. Hit the gym, go for a jog, meet up with your friends. You’ve mourned the relationship enough. You were fine before you met him, and you’ll be fine again. Soonish.
Enough with the Stalking
Watching his every move on social media isn’t healthy. Unfollow him to prevent yourself from obsessing over the fact that he uploaded a photo with a girl you don’t know on Facebook. Cyber-stalking doesn’t look good on you. Stalking looks even works, so stop going to his favorite café daily hoping to bump into him “by accident."
Don’t Become Pitiful
It perfectly natural to complain to your friends about your failed relationship, about how perfect he was, about how miserable you feel. For about three days. Maybe even a week, if your friends are uncommonly patient. Anything more and they’ll start avoiding you.
If you really think you need help getting over the breakup, schedule an appointment with a therapist. They’ll be able to provide professional assistance, and your friendships will remain strong.
Get Reminders Out of the Way
Move all your pictures on a USB drive and delete them from your laptop. Put everything that reminds you of him in a box and place it out of sight. Throwing things away isn’t advisable, since you’ll likely treasure them again someday. However, surrounding yourself with constant reminders of your time spent together isn’t healthy either. Delete your song from your iPod as well.
Move On
You’re allowed to be sad, but don’t make things harder for yourself. No matter how dreadful dating someone else may seem right now, it might be the only way to move forward.
Crazy ex-girlfriends spend all their energy stalking their exes and trying to get them back. Strong women get over the breakup and focus on becoming a better version of themselves. Which one do you want to be?